Installation and Setup of Pressure Transducer with Voltage Output

These instructions are applicable only to pressure transducers with voltage output. Those with 4-20mA output require a different procedure. Please refer to the appropriate Zenseio user guide.

Pressure transducers that have voltage output (0-5V or 0-10V) can be connected only to GPI2 or GPI3 ports.

Pressure transducers with output voltage range less than 5V or with high output impedance are not recommended due to potential analog accuracy loss.
- In Zenseio mobile configuration app:
- Set VAUX voltage output to 12V.
- Select “Voltage” mode on the chosen GPI port (GPI2 or GPI3).
Set settling time 1000 ms
- For "Supply VAUX?", select "Yes"
- Wire connections (Note: wire color color coding may be different for different sensor model numbers - refer to the specific sensor instruction manual):
- Connect black wire to GND.
- Connect red wire to VAUX.
- Connect green wire to the chosen GPI port (GPI2 or GPI3).
- Data interpretation/scaling (in your application software):
- For 0-10V pressure transducer, use this formula: Pressure (in psi) = (Maximum Pressure Range in psi) * (Transducer Output in Volts) / (10V)
- For example, for transducers with 100 psi Maximum Pressure Range, and measured 4 Volt output, the pressure = (100 psi) * 4V / 10V = 40 psi.
- For other output voltage ranges and full-scale pressure ranges, consult with the sensor manufacturer or with the specification.
Mobile app settings
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